How to prepare for (and ace) your Collarts interview of audition



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If you're thinking about applying to Collarts or are curious about what comes next after you've applied, finding out more about our interview and audition process can give you a leg-up towards your dream course.

Our interview and audition process is a simple step in all our applications, where you're invited to share more about you and your passions. In exchange, it's also the perfect opportunity to learn more about Collarts and the course you're excited about, and potentially showcasing your skills. Here's how to prepare for—and ace—your interview or audition, along with a quick rundown on how it all works.

Okay, firstly, what happens at my interview?

If you are applying for any course at Collarts, you are required to attend a 30-minute interview. It's nothing to be anxious about—we want to get to know you, your goals, and what you want to get out of the course!

What should I expect in my interview?

During the interview, you will meet one of our super friendly Future Student Team members, who will ask you questions about your knowledge and experience in your field of interest. Alongside chatting about your choices and future career goals, you will also have the opportunity to view our campus tour videos, learn about life at Collarts as a student, and have any questions you may have had answered.

Cool, how is this different to an audition?

If you plan on studying the Bachelor of Arts (Music) or Bachelor of Dramatic Arts (Comedy) at Collarts, you will also be asked to complete an audition as well as an interview. It is expected of Music Performance applicants that they have a good understanding of their instrument and have basic music theory knowledge, but this will be discussed when we set-up an audition time. 

What is the audition process for Music Performance?

Once booked-in, you can audition as one of three things: an instrumentalistvocalist or as a songwriter. You must perform two contrasting, contemporary works of your choice (for example, Punk VS. R&B) or if you are applying for the Songwriter Stream, you must instead audition with two original pieces so we can hear what you're all about.

On top of all this, you can perform with or without accompaniment, or with just a backing track. And FYI, when interviews return to on-campus we can also provide a PA, a guitar or bass amp, a drum kit and piano for accompaniment—you just have to let us know ahead of time! We may also run you through a few theory and scale exercises on your instrument.

What is the audition process for Comedy?

Comedy auditions require a short performance of no more than five minutes. Applicants may perform original material or may choose from a selection of comedic monologues provided for auditions. Applicants must also supply an original written piece which can include but isn't limited to: screenplays, humour or satire pieces, original jokes, or short stories. Following the audition, applicants will need to sit an interview to discuss their performance and written pieces.

Sounds good, but what if I don't live in Victoria right now or plan on studying online?

Trust us, you're not alone. Many students study online or come from interstate or even overseas as International Students! If you live outside of Victoria but would like to apply for one of our courses, we can set up an interview via Skype, Zoom or phone, and can organise an online audition. Typically, we also make exceptions for those who live in country Victoria, where travel can take up to two hours or more—but due to social distancing and current restrictions, all interviews will be happening online anyway. 

What do Collarts look for in the interview and audition?

One of the best things about attending an interview or audition is being able to share your dreams and connect with like-minded people who want to help you achieve. There are a few things you can prep yourself for in an interview, by simply asking yourself why Collarts. This includes:

  • Passion: We want to know what you love and why you want to do it. Why are you passionate about the degree? What are your goals for the future? What are you hoping to learn? All this matters and we love to know what drives you.
  • Excitement: We want you to be excited about joining the Collarts community and for the opportunities that come with it. Why do you want to study at Collarts? What experiences do you want from your studies? What makes you excited about the future? Being excited is a great sign you're ready to change and growth, which tells us you're a perfect fit for Collarts Life.
  • Prior research or knowledge: We love knowing how skilled you are in your field or that you're well-informed on the career you're pursuing. Why do you want to work in your field? What knowledge do you have about your field of study? What do you know about the course? These are all important questions that help us understand your skill level and background.

What should I prepare for before my interview or audition?

Definitely prepare what's asked of you as part of the interview and audition process, as mentioned above. By reading what's required of you in the Admission Requirements of each course, you will know what you need to deliver, with requirements ranging from 300-word statements to folios.

The best thing you can do to prepare for your interview is to put your passion first and be yourself. Similar to a job interview, it also helps to wear whatever makes you feel confident and to introduce yourself as soon as you arrive. Trust us—you got this!


Auditions and interviews take place throughout the year at your convenience. Contact us on (+61) 1300 818 777 to organise this or click below to fill out our online application form.