Launch your career sooner with our powerful industry connections and partnerships



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At Collarts, you’ll gain a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks and lectures. Our industry-connected teachers mean you’ll learn from the best in your chosen field. Plus, our longstanding industry partnerships means you’ll gain real-world experience to get you career-ready faster. 


At Collarts, our lecturers and tutors bring a wealth of global industry experience directly to your classroom. Some have collaborated with the world's top artists, produced and recorded award-winning albums, managed some of Australia's most renowned events, and created influential editorial and creative content for leading global media outlets. With their extensive industry connections, our academics offer invaluable insights and mentorship, ensuring you're well-equipped to excel in your chosen career. 

Our lecturers and tutors share their industry expertise to guide you in the right direction but also challenge you to reach your full potential. With their support, you’ll be empowered to navigate the complexities of your chosen career path and seize the right opportunities to shape your creative future.

"Industry connected teachers and Collarts’ open learning structure gave me the confidence to be myself and create that capacity to engage on an authentic level."
Fashion & Sustainability alumni


Operate live sound at Falls Music Festival. Create a short film for the Melbourne International Film Festival. Showcase your textile work on the runway at Melbourne Fashion Week. At Collarts, you can launch your creative career sooner with our sought-after industry placements.

With our long-standing partnerships, spanning all creative industries—from music, fashion and photography, to design, communication and performing arts—you’ll have the opportunity to:
gain real-world, hands-on experience with world-renowned festivals and organisations;
graduate job-ready with industry skills and the technical knowledge to match; and
make valuable connections to build your network.

"This experience has been something that I could not be more grateful for. From day one to day three, I could already see how much I had improved at working with cameras in a live setting."
Screen & Media student, Falls Festival Volunteer

Find out more about our connections to the industry here.