
Stay informed on everything that's happening in the creative industries and at Collarts!

5 minutes

How Collarts and M/FW are working together for a sustainable fashion future

How Collarts and M/FW are working together for a sustainable fashion future

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3 minutes

The best questions to ask at Collarts open day

When attending any Open Day, you want to walk away knowing as much as possible about your study options. The idea is to explore and familiarise yourself with the course, recording the pathways and opportunities that come with it.

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3 minutes

Collarts announces exciting new 3-year partnership with Melbourne International Film Festival

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7 minutes

Aye Thadar on resilience, heritage and the power of experimentation

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2 minutes

Unhappy with your current uni experience? Find out why Collarts might be your perfect fit

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4 minutes

What it means to choose Collarts

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5 minutes

Collarts asks: Why did you choose to study at Collarts?

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4 minutes

Collarts announces exciting new 3-year partnership with Melbourne International Film Festival!

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6 minutes

Why Monica switched to Collarts

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2 minutes

Your ATAR does not define your worth

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6 minutes

A quick guide to VTAC offers and change of preference

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