Course variant

Options? We’ve got plenty. Get ready to be inspired.

Explore Collarts' in-depth courses and discover your creative future. Speak with a careers consultant or download our course guide today.

Songwriter / Composer

Write musical compositions and lyrics for songs, either on your own or with a team of co-writers. Perform your own songs or write for other artists.

Average industry salary*:

$59K - $108K

Recording Artist

Perform songs or musical compositions in a studio setting for recording and release. You may work closely with a band, music producer, sound engineer, and songwriters.

Average industry salary*:

$59K - $108K

Music Teacher

Teach students the art of instrumental techniques, scales, music theory, music history, and more, and help prepare them for exams, auditions, and live performances.

Average industry salary*:

$85K - $115K

From aspiring drummer to a full-time musician: our music performance alum’s story

Louis - Studio/Performing Drummer and Drum Tutor

"“Collarts did a really good job of linking the theory to the practice. So many parts of the course were so industry-based with lots of work experience opportunities and industry professionals explaining the ins and outs of the industry.”"

Video thumbnail

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Music Performance course can’t wait. Neither can you.