Course variant

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Composer (contemporary music, film and games)

Create emotive soundscapes to support and improve storytelling across various mediums. Craft compositions that breathe life into film, games, TV and more.

Average industry salary*:

$52K- $102K

Audio Engineer

Sound Engineers record, mix, and enhance audio for media. Operate equipment, adjust levels, and collaborate to achieve optimal sound quality in various productions.

Average industry salary*:

$55K - $100K

Broadcast Producer

Orchestrate voices and sounds to captivate audiences across radio, television, or online platforms. From selecting content to coordinating talent and managing technical aspects, create seamless experiences that keep listeners and viewers tuned in.

Average industry salary*:

$93K - $113K

From supermarket to Popakademi: our Music Production alum's journey

Umbra Moon - Music Production Alumni - Producer/Artist and Musician.

"I’m pretty much my own band. To be able to play music every day and get paid for what I’m doing is pretty insane."

Video thumbnail

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Music Production course can’t wait. Neither can you.